1_5 Most Used cms.
Whether you are running a corporate web portal or wish to kick off a standard blog site to carve out a strong presence on the web, you have to go along with CMS. The 5 most used CMS are given below.

  • 1. Word Press: – It is an apple of many eyes since it quite easy to access. Due to quick installation, vast template library, easy PHP and CSS file, it is being used by a number of people.

  • 2. Joomla: – Since it is extremely customizable, suitable for pretty much purpose, Joomla is one of the most sought after CMS.

  • 3. Drupal: – It is quite developed-friendly and widely known for holding Taxonomy module factor.

  • 4. Concrete5:- Wish to save time and money both, choose Concrete5. Since it loaded with an ultimate time saving solution, it is great for designers, developers and site owners.

  • 5. DotNetNuke: – It is pretty much suitable to windows servers and a chock-a-block full of software written in PHP.